University Settlement in partnership with The Literacy Cooperative has released a Request for Application (RFA) to organizations that serve populations with barriers that include low adult literacy levels and low employability.
NEO Skill Corps is a program of the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) and funded by a grant from the Ohio Commission on Service and Volunteerism (Serve Ohio). NEO Skill Corps matches AmeriCorps’ members with organizations to provide financial literacy and workplace training combined with basic skill development services to economically disadvantaged residents of Northeast Ohio. Members provide host organizations with additional programmatic support by instructing classes, developing curricula, providing case management, making referrals, and recruiting and managing financial literacy, job readiness, and adult education volunteers and programs.
During our first three years of service, we made a dramatic impact on Greater Cleveland communities where low adult basic skills and financial literacy negatively affected the ability of residents to obtain, maintain and sustain employment. NEO Skill Corps members instructed financial literacy to more than 2,769 adults and assisted 2,426 with adult education and workforce development training. See the following page for more information about our success. We are on track to exceed our performance measures for our fourth year as well!
If your organization has a demonstrated record for improving the quality of life for your clients, please consider becoming a host site for a NEO Skill Corps member. To be part of the dynamic work NEO Skill Corps is doing in Greater Cleveland and Northeast Ohio communities, please complete and submit THIS APPLICATION by May 17th, 2021.
Technical assistance workshops are highly recommended for new Host Sites. Sessions are scheduled for Tuesday March 13, 2018, at 3:00pm as well as Monday March 12, 2018 at 10:00am held at University Settlement’s Mead House located at 4909 Broadway Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44127.
To register for a Technical Assistance contact:
Sandra Buckner
AmeriCorps Program Manager
NEO Skill Corps
Financial Literacy Outcomes:
- 2,769 individuals enrolled in financial literacy workshops.
- 10,200 hours of fundamental financial literacy were completed.
- 2,419 individuals completed the fundamental financial literacy with 95% demonstrating an increase in knowledge due to the material presented.
- 666 opened new bank accounts
- 1,254 created new and reality-based budgets
- 282 individuals created debt management plans
- 2,492.5 hours of individual 1:1 coaching completed by members
Workforce Development and Adult Education Outcomes:
- 2,426 individuals enrolled in work-readiness programs, soft skill development programs and occupational training programs.
- 2,029 individuals completed at least one of the following activities:
- 1,494 individuals completed training and received a certificate
- 379 obtained and maintained employment
- 25 students increased their GED pre and post scores
- 11 individuals received their GED certificate
- 17 individuals enrolled in and completed their first semester of college
- 9,870 hours of adult education tutoring completed by members
The direct and measurable impact on the communities where NEO Skill Corps members served resulted in $160,506.00 reduction in check cashing fees due to helping individuals open new bank accounts. There was an increase in taxable revenue generated in the City of Cleveland of $3,251,820.00 with clients/participants obtaining and maintaining employment.