Imagination Library Families’ Frequently asked questions
Is my child eligible to receive books?
The Imagination Library is available to children 4 years old and younger. Children will receive their last book during the month of their 5th birthday. It is available throughout Ohio, The Literacy Cooperative manages the program and accepts enrollment forms for Cuyahoga County.
How can I enroll my child?
To enroll online, simply click here and complete the form
To enroll by mail, download the enrollment form here and mail to the address on the form
Can I enroll all eligible children in my household?
Yes, each child will receive their own age-appropriate books each month. All children receive The Little Engine That Could as their first book.
When will a child receive his/her first book?
It generally takes 6-11 weeks from the time of enrollment until the first book is received. For example, if a child is enrolled in February, they will likely receive their first book in April.
When do the books arrive each month?
The books generally arrive the third week of the month. Occasionally they will arrive sooner, and during holiday seasons, there may be expected delays. Please remember that they can arrive at any time of the month – even right up to the last day.
In a family with multiple children receiving books, will each child receive their book on the same day?
Books will arrive at slightly different times due to varying sizes and weights. We encourage each family to utilize this as an opportunity to create and share in the excitement for each sibling the day their book arrives and have additional chances to be enthused about the arrival of the books. All children receive the same welcome book as the first book and the same last “graduation” book upon their 5th birthday.
What if a family moves?
Each book has a label that says “Moving? Call 216-776-6180.” Families should update their address with both The Literacy Cooperative and USPS. The Imagination Library checks its database against the USPS National Change of Address database monthly, to keep its information as up-to-date and accurate as possible. If a family is moving from one Imagination Library community to another, we will update the information as soon as possible. If there is a program in their new community, we can transfer them into it. Since books are shipped at bulk mail rate, the post office will not forward them.
What if a child doesn’t receive a book or I have other questions?
Contact Imagination Library Director, Joan Spoerl at or 217-776-6186.