
The mission of the 2Gen Collaborative is to grow and foster partnerships among providers interested in whole-family services by facilitating opportunities for peer-to-peer learning and professional development and advocating for systemic changes that bring about positive impacts on families and children.


The 2Gen Collaborative envisions a future where seamless partnerships flourish, and as advocates for transformative systemic changes, we aspire to cultivate a landscape where families and children thrive through positive, holistic impacts that echo across generations.

Key priorities identified for the next three years:

1. Grow the 2Gen Network – partner and gain representation more broadly from representative of public entities such as the housing authority, school systems, and government agencies with a goal of reaching a wider audience and connecting more organizations to one another.  

2. Peer Learning/Professional Development – provide a space where people working on whole-gamily approaches can convene and learn from one another while identifying gaps in professional development and training for staff that could strengthen the services offered to families. 

3. Advocacy – support advocacy efforts that affect whole-family work and address system-level issues that affect families (i.e., early learning, workforce development, support services)